Friday, June 25, 2010

54 Hours

54 hours – The Weekend. From 5pm Friday through 11pm Sunday, I transition from CPA to Husband and Father. YES! The most important hours of the week. Call me a weekend warrior if you want, but this is my delight, leading and loving my family. I can put away my laptop, prioritize my wife and kids over my clients, and get myself out of the office and us out of doors. My goals this weekend:

With Darling Bride – to joyfully pursue companionship with my best friend, such as quiet time Saturday morning, exploring a State Park with our family in the afternoon, worship on Sunday…

With 12y.o. Darling Son – as we continue his Masculine Journey, moving from Boyhood (wonder and exploration) into the Cowboy stage (action and adventure to prove he has “what it takes”) canoeing together for the first time.

With 10y.o. Darling Daughter – to delight in her girlhood and sense of adventure, such as the diving board and water slide at the State Park pool.

With 8y.o. Darling Son – fully embracing boyhood, encouraging that by hopefully enticing him to use the diving board and water slide more. He doesn’t like the pool rules about taking off his goggles.

With my Lord – currently going through FATHERED BY GOD and the study guide. An amazing resource, finally something that understands and expands upon something I knew to be true, but couldn’t put into words.

Ambitious goals, to be sure. But worth it. 54 hours go by quickly. Time to make the most of each one.


  1. have a nice weekend..... Karen ann

  2. Olá Jeff Hoots, graça e paz.

    Decidi seguir seu blog por causa do sua descrição no perfil, parabéns pelo seu trabalho e pela sua família.

    Ficarei honrado com sua visita.

    Iveraldo Pereira.

    Hello Jeff Hoots, grace and peace.

    I decided to follow your blog because of your description in your profile, congratulations on your work and for his family.

    I would be honored with your visit.

    Iveraldo Pereira.
