Saturday, January 16, 2016

Contentment Project Day 16 of 366

Toastmasters is an international club with local chapters
that provides a supportive and positive learning experience
in which members are empowered to develop communication
and leadership skills resulting in greater self-confidence
and personal growth.
Keeping New Years Resolutions is hard.  That is news to nobody.  Especially for me, this is the first time I've made a resolution I intend to keep.  My Contentment Project.  For the first two weeks of 2016, a scorecard, lessons learned, and go forwards:


Thriftiness:  Got my first full payday with health insurance, etc. deducted.  Now that I know what our income is, I can work on our budget.

Health and Fitness:  Eating better, especially with Darling Bride now making homemade yogurt, and I'm limiting, but not eliminating, snack food at work.  But I've got to get on the exercise bike!  I set a goal of doing it three times this week.  If I try hard, I may get one ride in today.

Authentic Worship:  I confess that I give into the temptation of being discontent with my local church.  But I am choosing to put that aside and understand that I have been blessed beyond measure by the pastors and friends that I have there.

Loving Relationships:  Working on the habit of giving others my focused attention, still a work in process.  Disappointed that we can't go visit my Mom this weekend for my upcoming birthday (due to weather not safe for driving), but we will get there soon and we'll make up for it by going out for lunch, then to Half Price Books, and then to an antique mall.

Worthwhile Learning:  I'm caught up with the newspaper.  I was going to read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, but Darling Bride got to it first.

Excellent Life Experiences:
Good TV watching choices this week.  Avoiding the time wasters.

Work Habits:
Getting busier at my new job.  That helps.  Challenging assignments keeping me on the ball.

This week at my local Toastmasters club, I spoke about my Contentment Project.  I think I made an impact on myself and my club-mates because I made it personal.  Each week one club member gets extra recognition for going above and beyond, my turn was this week.

Harder to do with work getting busy and I come home a little tired.  I'll work on it this weekend.

Lessons Learned

I have a lot of negative inertia when it comes to bicycling inside.  It seems like work.  I know that if I do it, I will be glad I did, so I have to get up and get going.

Learning new clients and a new system at work will continue to be a challenge.   If I keep at it though, I see where I will be blessed by this opportunity and be a blessing to others.

Go Forwards

Get on the bicycle!

Be ready for overtime coming.  This Saturday (January 16) is my last Saturday off until April.

At College Park, we have "Fighter Verses," a verse a week we are challenged to memorize.  I intend to do it this week.

Final Thoughts

Looking forward to celebrating my birthday this week.

How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions?

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