Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Small Groups are Valuable - Monday Morning Theologian
Our church's small groups will be working
through this book this August,
Licensed to Kill by Brian G. Hedges
Darling Bride said to me Friday night, "Don't sell yourself short!  You have two major ministries!"  She meant not only as leader of my family, but also leader of one of the small groups under our local church.  She was commenting verbally on my most recent post about how I chose to walk away from my major high school ministry at the end of the year to devote the time and energy to family.  While writing that, I only briefly mentioned our commitment to leading our small group, so this installment of Monday Morning Theologian explores that ministry and commitment.

Recently, the leaders of our small group discerned it was their time to step aside.  It seemed to Darling Bride and me, a participants in small groups for about 9 years, that if we weren't prepared to lead a small group now, we never would.  At present we are focusing on depth in our group, we have two other families we already know.  I am absolutely convinced that small groups within our church context are one of the most important discipleship tactics going.

Our every other Friday evening agenda generally includes discussion of prior weeks sermons and prayer time.  In prior groups there have been social gatherings, and service projects thrown in.  As nice as they are, no hurry to add those - yet.  Most important has been the unplanned opportunities for our families to carry one another's burdens and bless each other in times of need.  Our family has gone through some significant trials including crises of leadership and of finance.  Our group has offered support and forgiveness just when we needed it most.  Over the years, other families have or had death of a spouse, job loss, parenting challenges, and marriage challenges.  Our groups have stepped up every time, and now it is our family's turn to lead the charge.

I say "our family" because all five of us are a team.  Darling Bride and I lead the discussions and prayer time (need more prayer time, I know).  Our kids help by practicing hospitality to our group's kids.  We are family oriented, so the whole family participates.

Our church's pastor of community life, in our church's new small group blog, emphasizes (1) Christ-centered and focused on the Word (Bible), (2) intentionally invasive, and (3) living life together.  Sounds good to me.

Go forwards:  Do you have one or more specific others in your life that you can rely on when trials come your way?  Are you one whom others in your life can rely on when trials come their way?  What can you do about that?

1 comment:

  1. This is an area for growth, for sure! I go forward with you, and God, hoping for the best despite my lack of skills.
